Eco Art by Anna Garforth

August 16, 2012

British eco artist/designer Anna Garforth is near famous on the net for her lovely script style moss graffiti, for those not familiar with her other sublimely environmental works – here are a few more…

Wandering Territory was created digitally, printed, scored and “popped out” into a 3d sculpture.

Kusudama Light – from paper to light.

Wild at Heart is made from nothing more than masking tape on a wire fence.

This has to be one of the dumbest bureaucratic goofs I’ve heard about in a long time. L.A City Hall had honoured the graffiti artist Man One this June, however it seems their tastes don’t reach as far as the night cleaning crew. A few days ago, undercover of the night, an overzealous city worker with a power washer managed to completely destroy a massive mural by two of L.A’s finest graffiti artists, Man One and Vyal.

Even local business owners had commented how much passing trade the street art was bringing in. What’s worse, there’s a $h1tload of crappy tags just around the corner, and no one even thought of removing those. I’ve had it with dumb bureaucrats and their hankering for making every single urban sprawl look like the next. To save face, next time L.A City Hall should take a tip from Bristol, club together and lay some perspex over the murals they want to keep.

Read the whole story at: L.A Weekly

Tegucigalpa is the capital city of Honduras, statistically one of the most dangerous countries in the world. With more violence and murders per capita than almost anywhere, you’d think it’d be the last place anyone would risk creating street art. But even under the pain of death, corrupt police, and heavily armed gangs, one hooded and masked art vigilante, known simply as the Urban Maeztro, is risking his life to bring his particular brand of political street art to the people of Honduras.

It might not be the most original street art you’ve ever seen, but damn, this kid has got some Cahunas. Forget about stories of UK and US street artists and the ‘risks they take’, this kid is as hardcore as they come, he even stops to pat dogs after risking his neck for his art. Long live the Honduran street art revolution!

If you want to read more check out these links…
Huffington Post
Tri-City Herald

The whole Olympics crackdown on street art is getting out of control. Darren Cullen is a legal graffiti artist, part of Graffiti Kings, a company commissioned by Team GB to create some enticing street art for the event.

illegal arrests, missile launchers mounted on apartment blocks without even asking the permission of the people who live there, suppression of  news, removal of anything or anyone, that the unelected powers that be, decide on a whim. All this for a bit of running and jumping. Is it really worth it?

If it’s a trade off between The Olympics and human rights, I’ll take the latter thanks.

Read the interview with Darren Cullen at VICE.

Strangely enough not for his burning bank paintings, although he was ‘questioned’ about his motives regarding these, it was actually a street chalking offence, which shouldn’t be a damn law in the first place – it’s chalk for ****’s sake. You have to admire the guy for taking on this ridiculous law.


See the full story at and visit Alex’s blog at

Banksy @ The Olympics

July 24, 2012

I knew it wouldn’t be long before this blog featured a Banksy

Read the blurb @ BBC News.

This one is cool too… Pure Evil’s “The New Logo for the Hackney Looting Team” still available as limited edition prints at Art Republic for an insane £150 each.