Eco Art by Anna Garforth

August 16, 2012

British eco artist/designer Anna Garforth is near famous on the net for her lovely script style moss graffiti, for those not familiar with her other sublimely environmental works – here are a few more…

Wandering Territory was created digitally, printed, scored and “popped out” into a 3d sculpture.

Kusudama Light – from paper to light.

Wild at Heart is made from nothing more than masking tape on a wire fence.

On Wednesday as the Las Vegas desert sun rose, shocked commuters witnessed the full effect of the Occupy movement with the aid of a mystery street artist, a pair of mannequins, some rope, and a death defying climb up two overhead billboards on the freeway in Clark County. Here’s a perturbing take on the situation via Occupy Las Vegas who first reported the story.

Clark County has the second highest rate of adult suicide in the country right now. It has the fifth highest rate of child suicide. And, thanks to the governor’s draconian education budget, the Social Work programs that used to supply volunteers and interns to help such people have been de-funded. The Clark County suicide hotline number is “not in service at this time.” Nevada has the highest sustained unemployment of any state in the U.S. with almost no real hope in sight and politicians more concerned with corporate campaign donations than they are helping the middle class & poor.

The Real Night Rider

August 4, 2012

This glow in the dark skateboard park by Korean artist Koo Jeong-A in association with Brussels-based L’Escaut Architectures created at an island in the middle of France’s Vassivière Lake has to be one of the most awesome urban environments ever conceived. The luminosity comes from a special phosphorescent concrete, that should be used in just about every city centre, everywhere in the world from now on. But probably won’t.

The vast majority of us in the world will probably never have a chance to ride the luminous trip fantastic or even walk it – so if you’re a town planner or an architect or run a construction company take a leaf from Koo Jeong-A’s book and try lighting up the city at night without burning more fuel. Just for a change let’s really try going green 😀

Photos via L’Escaut Architectures.

Subvertising in Toronto

July 26, 2012

Check out these hacktivist street art shots taken in Toronto recently featuring modded city information posts, which it turns out are only used for advertising and caused both the removal of free bike parking and the destruction of several trees. Many of them are interactive and truly engage the public in a serious message, essentially how big business always outweighs environmental concerns when it comes to running Toronto.

Via Pop Up City

David Cerny Sculptures

July 24, 2012

David Cerny is trending like **** right now, he’s the Czech artist behind the crazy 2012 Olympics red bus sculpture that’s been doing the rounds on the net.

But just in case you wanted more, including a giant rotating skull and a fake half submerged submarine feast your eyes on this lot…

If you want to see more visit his site here and Prague